Thursday, June 29, 2017

Cuernavaca fue increible!

On 23rd June, 2017 at 17:10, I left for Cuernavaca. It was a beautiful journey of 2 hours and the scenes and landscapes I witnessed on my way to Cuernavaca were breathtaking. At the bus station, my host mother and Hippo fellow, Angeles Ramirez was there to receive me.

She gave me a warm welcome and then we went to the car. On our way to a mall, we talked a lot about Mexico, India, Cuernavaca and what not. I was already feeling so comfortable with her. We went to the mall to see my host father, Julio, playing a beautiful instrument, called Marimba.
 It was approx 19:00 and we found a place from where we could see Julio and his team playing Marimba. The sky was clear and beautiful and I was already falling in love with this place. We sat there for like 2-3 hours, enjoying the music. Angeles introduced me to a lot of new Spanish phrases and words, for example now I can fluently say, " yo ablo un poko de Espaniol" and I feel so proud of myself that I can speak at least this much of Spanish! Haha! 
Also when we were in the mall, I made a new friend, Alejandra. She runs a Facebook Group, called "Foreigners in Cuernavaca". We exchanged information about our work and stay in Mexico and she also helped me with some Spanish words and phrases.

When Julio's performance finished, we went to Walmart for little shopping and then went straight to home. There I met rest of my family, two younger brothers, Jose Maria and Emiliano.

Next day, Angeles, Jose Maria and I went for the Hippo Activity at Ureshii Club. I met the members of the club and it was so much fun meeting new people and talking about different things. We danced on SADAs, repeated different languages during METAKATSU and there were many new activities which I witnessed for the first time. Then came JIKOSHOUKAI, where I presented my Kamishibai in both Espaniol and Hindi. Also, I helped Angeles and Jose Maria to present their Kamishibai in Hindi and it was so much fun. At the end there was a bit emotional moment for everyone as Ayano, an Exchange from Japan will be leaving for Japan on Thursday and it was such a beautiful moment when I saw her host family members talking about her stay here.

After the Hippo Activities at Club Ureshii ended, Jose Maria, Angeles and I went to Teopanzolco to see the pyramids. After that, we went to Downtown. We had our lunch there and the food was delicious. Then we went to see the local market and roamed around in the streets of Downtown for some time. I tried Bolis, which is a sort of ice cream, but different type of ice cream and it was so tasty. We three spent quality time there and then by the night we were home.

And then we three went to a family function to Cuautla. It was almost an hour away and the way from Cuernavaca to Cuautla was so beautiful. It was like a road trip. There I made a new friend, Fernanda. We talked a lot and just like that my second day at Cuernavaca also ended well.

On Sunday, we went to Tlaltizapan for swimming with the Hippo club members. Tlaltizapan is a beautiful place, full of nature. We spent our whole day doing Hippo activities, snacking and swimming in the Lake. I can't tell in words how perfect that Sunday was.

On Monday, I first went to Jose Maria's school as there was a little celebration for his promotion to next grade. Then Angeles and I went to her workplace at Centro de Investigaciones Quimicas UAEM. She is a Professor there and teaches Chemistry. And also she works in the Laboratory. She showed me her work and trust me it was so amazing. I was like chido!

Then on our way to home, we stopped at a red light and went to Shirashi, i.e. distributing Hippo Brochures in the street and Angeles taught me how to do it. She taught me a line, "Te puedo dar uno" which I learned immediately and used that to distribute the brochures. It was so amazing, me speaking something in Spanish and people were actually understanding what I was saying! Haha!

When we were coming back home, she showed me some place around her home and took me to a site from where sunset is visible. Though I couldn't see the sunset but that place was so beautiful and peaceful. We spent some time there, enjoying the nature.

Cuernavaca is a beautiful place with beautiful people. I learned a lot in those 4 days, met new people, made new friends.

Tach and Maka, dogs who lived nearby also came to say goodbye! Haha. They were so cute.

Every beautiful journey has to end, mine ended a bit early. Those 4 days spent in Cuernavaca was something I never expected of. It was hard for me to leave my family, that place, but on Tuesday, I finally bid adieu to Cuernavaca.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

LDA + calor = Romain en Chihuahua

Falta 10 días antes de mi regreso a CDMX :(

Todavía hace mucho calor, pero yo estoy muy bien! Que bueno que tenemos aire acondicionado y agua fresca...

QUE?!?! NANI?!?!

El jueves pasado tuvimos la segunda Long Distance Activity en Chihuahua. Muchos socios decidieron venir para apoyarnos durante la LDA.

¡¡¡Es también el día que decidió el agua irse!!! En efecto, un tubo de agua se perforó, dejando unas partes de la ciudad sin agua, incluyendo la colonia de la oficina!

Ademas de no poder ir al baño, el aire acondicionado no funcionaba. Es decir que con tanta gente en la oficina, si estuvimos en un horno.

Pero la verdad, mientras nos estábamos cocinando, hicimos la LDA con mucho animo.

Cada LDA, tengo un poco de nervios antes de empezar, pero cuando es mi turno de hablar, los nervios se van! Solamente hay que leer el guión que esta manejando alguien (por esta LDA, estuvo Lai) en la computadora en vivo. De hecho, aunque hay un guión ya listo antes del inicio, es imposible de seguirlo a 100% y necesitamos acomodar mientras estamos transmitiendo.

Las LDA son actividades que me gustan mucho!

Nos damos un "rendez-vous" en la próxima, a mediado de julio ;)

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

こんにちはみなさん, soy Wakamechan!

Ahora estoy participando junto con Katiti en el programa de internship en las oficinas de Hippo en Tokyo Japón.
Llegué aquí el 1ro de septiembre y estoy llegando a la etapa final de mi intercambio. 
*cries in spanish* correción... *cries in multilingual*

Ellos son algunos de mis compañeros Interns en la oficina, es un equipo internacional conformado por: Alemania, Estados Unidos, Singapur, Corea, México y Japón. En nuestro medio ambiente diario escuchamos no solamente japonés pero alemán, turco, coreano, mandarín, español e inglés. 

Síguenos en Facebook como: Hippo Rangers

¿Qué es lo que hacemos aquí?  ¡De todo un poco! 
Desde traducciones, planificación de actividades especiales de Hippo como son MFP y Manaima para niños, On Line Hippo, participar en los congresos de preparación de intercambios y mucho mucho más. 

Este es MANAIMA Kids Park, Manaima significa Multilingual Natural Immersion, y de lo que se trata es que tanto mamás como pequeñitos de entre 0 y 4 años participen y se sumerjan mucho más en los sonidos de los diferentes idiomas entonces los interns hablamos en nuestro idioma materno y los participantes aunque no entiendan totalmente disfrutan de los sonidos, del ritmo y melodía de muchos idiomas a la vez! utilizamos mucho Kabajin, grandes gestos, cantamos en muchos idiomas y jugamos con los pequeñines.

De la misma manera realizamos los MFP, Multilingual Friends Park, para todas las edades, un espacio totalmente multilingüe donde intentamos no usar el japonés para sumergir a todos en muchos otros idiomas más, aquí todos los participantes comparten sus experiencias en otros idiomas! Es muy impresionante!! 
Hacemos juegos, SADAs, Metakatsu y actividades especiales. Los MFP son súper divertidos y además interesantes porque también presentamos los descubrimientos sobre el ser humano y el lenguaje que hemos ido haciendo a lo largo de nuestro tiempo en Japón. 

Todos los socios aquí nos han tratado de maravilla, y eso es lo que más me gusta!!!! 


Quiero dar las gracias a mi familia, a Hippo en México y en Japón por esta maravillosa oportunidad.

Nos vemos en mi próxima entrada al Blog! Zaijian! 

¡Noticias de Chihuahua!

Llegamos casi a la mitad de mi viaje en Chihuahua...

Los días pasan rápidos. Cada día hago algo. Cuando no estoy en la oficina, mi familia y yo visitamos la ciudad.

El sábado 10 tuvimos el evento Lexology. O sea, explicamos con Misato y Chio un poco de lo que dijo Kenshi durante la Lexology de CDMX. Estuvo interesante intentar reproducir un poco de su conferencia. Como había interesados pudieron entender que hay una base científica sobre la metodología de Hippo, ¡me gusto mucho!

Después de la sesión, cambié de familia, dije saichen a la familia Vadillo y a los perros (pueden parecer impresionante al principio, pero como soy el amigo de los animales no tenia ninguno problema con ellos jaja) con quien tuve un tiempo muyyyy padre.

Fui a vivir con los Fierro Lopez. ¡Me la pasa muy bien con todos ellos!

El primero dia, no perdimos tiempo y después que dejamos mis cosas en la casa, fuimos directamente a una feria de cerveza artesanal donde encontramos a Mayumi, una socia de Hippo. Luego, con ella y sus amigos fuimos a una fiesta donde una banda estaba tocando, estuvo muy padre.

Aquí una persona desconocida puede venir a cualquier fiesta. En Francia hay que pedir permiso al dueño de la casa.

El siguiente dia, descansamos un poco y fuimos al centro de la ciudad. Comimos en la plaza de los Mariachis y vimos donde Hidalgo fue encarcelado y asesinado, la puerta de Chihuahua y subimos a una cima para ver la ciudad. ¡Ah! También, probé los deliciosos helados de Coldy, especialidad de Chihuahua que todos necesitan con este calor ;)

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Namastey Mexico!

When I was waiting at Indira Gandhi International Airport, New Delhi for my flight, I had butterflies of mixed emotions in my stomach. I was sad, happy, nervous, anxious, excited and what not, all these emotions at the same time. Maybe because I was travelling abroad for the first time and that too solo. It took me approximately 25 hours to reach here. I was tired and sleepy when I came out of Mexico City Airport. Then I saw my host family and Adriana there. They were so excited to see me and at that time all my sleep went away and I was so excited to see them. They greeted me really well and I was on cloud nine after that.

My host mama and brother drove me home and there I met the other family members. For next two days, I was only roaming in the City with my mama. We went to Downtown, Coyoacan, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Zocalo and many other places. I tried different Mexican food and I loved each and everything I tried. In these 3 days, I was already very comfortable with my family, specially my mama, Ofelia. I think this is the best I could get and I thank Hippo-LEX MEXICO, AIESEC UNAM for that.


On 5th June, 2017 I went to Hippo Club Office with my mama. There I met fellow interns and colleagues and also many other people who are a part of this organisation. In the morning we had a lot of fun by doing certain activities. There were a lot of fun activities which focus on learning different languages. At Hippo Club they don’t teach you anything, you learn by yourself and that too by just doing some activities. I was amazed by looking at all the activities they created and how differently this Language Station works. We had this session for like 2 hours and then I was told about all the work I’ve to do. The people here are so friendly and the Environment in the office is very positive.

Next day I first came to office, did some office work and then at around 15:45, some Hippo members and I left for Kiseki Club for doing the fun language learning activities. There I met new people and we played games, introduced ourselves in different languages, danced. There were people of all age groups, helping each other with different languages.  And at the end of the day I actually learned a lot of different words from different languages, and taught people some common Hindi words and Phrases.

It’s been only five days in Mexico and I’m already getting comfortable with the Mexican Lifestyle, food, transport etc. This is possible only because of the people around me- my host family, Hippo members and AIESEC members.
 I’m really glad that I took this opportunity because everything here is more than I expected!